KBC World
In the summer of 2007 we created a jobsite for Belgian Bank KBC. KBC was suffering a chronic shortage of applicants for its many job openings, largely because they - as all banks - suffered from a negative image: working in a bank is boring and repetitive.
In the summer of 2007 Proximity BBDO teamed up with VVL BBDO to create a CMS-powered jobsite for Big Belgian Bank KBC. KBC was suffering a chronic shortage of applicants for its many job openings, largely because they – as all banks – suffered from a negative image: working in a bank is boring and repetitive.
To counter this we created this Adobe Flex powered jobsite. We started from the concept that working at KBC is like traveling around the world: every department within KBC is its own island with its own responsibilities, job descriptions and even corporate cultures. Above all, working for KBC didn’t mean that you were stuck on one particular island: during your career you could regularly travel from one department to another if you needed a new challenge in your life.
To illustrate this we also recorded several testimonials from people who worked at KBC and who had done just that. On top of that we also had a “trotter”-styled travel guide detailing the intricacies of each island/division, as well as detailing all the perks and benefits working for KBC entailed.